How To Tell If A Hamster Is Pregnant?

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Hamsters are popular pets, and many people want to know how to tell if a hamster is pregnant. It can be difficult to determine whether or not a hamster is pregnant, but there are some clues you can look for.

In this blog post, we will discuss the signs of pregnancy in female hamsters and what you can do if your hamster is pregnant.

How Long Does A Hamster Gestation Last?

A hamster’s gestation cycle is at least 16 days long. However, this time frame can change based on the mother’s health and the breed of hamster.

Dwarf hamsters may give birth in closer to 21 days than golden hamsters, which typically do so after 16 days. The typical minimum gestation period for Siberian (Roborovski) and Chinese hamsters is about 23 days.

how to tell if a hamster is pregnant

All hamster breeds share the trait of the abdomen not enlarging until the last 4 or 5 days of gestation during pregnancy. This means that we can’t tell whether a hamster is pregnant just by looking at its protruding tummy. To assist, we shall look at some symptoms of a pregnant hamster below.

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How To Tell If A Hamster Is Pregnant?

You can determine if your hamster is pregnant and contribute to the safety of the unborn hamster by knowing the symptoms to watch for and how to handle her.

Here are some hamster pregnancy-related signs:

Appetite And Weight

Possible signs of pregnancy in hamsters include an increase in hunger and a sudden, corresponding increase in weight. Pay close attention if your hamster is taking more food and liquids than usual.

A pregnant hamster will need to consume more food and liquids to give birth to healthy offspring and to give the mother extra energy. An increased intake of protein and good fats is required for a pregnant hamster’s diet to sustain energy levels.

how to tell if a hamster is pregnant

Behavior Of Pregnant Hamsters

Hamsters who are expecting will start constructing a nest in their cage. They will make use of the supplies they have, which may include bedding items like hay, straw, or wood chips. You can observe how they attempt to stockpile food once their nest is complete to be ready for delivery.

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Cleaning the cage is not advised during this time to protect the nest. However, you might be able to clean around it. Hamsters who are pregnant could also exhibit behavioral changes at this time. When among other hamsters, especially males, it is typically more aggressive.

Not only would this lessen pregnancy stress, but it will also stop fighting before and after delivery. They will spend a lot more time in their nest since they will need to sleep a lot more than usual.

Inspection Of The Abdomen

Even though belly dilatation occurs at the very end of pregnancy in hamsters, other signs might exist.

Their body is ready for breastfeeding, for instance, if their nipples are larger or darker. Additionally, you can check to see if your hamster’s tummy changes in any way if you think she might be pregnant since you might feel movement near the end. 

For fear of harming the developing hamster pups, you should refrain from squeezing or pushing on their bellies. During pregnancy, hamsters will also become more aggressively territorial. This is due to their vulnerability as well as their desire to safeguard their birthing space. Avoid interacting with a pregnant hamster as much as possible.

how to tell if a hamster is pregnant


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How Many Children Can A Hamster Produce?

A hamster’s breed will determine how many puppies it will have. The litter size for Siberian hamsters will be between 4 and 8. However, a litter of golden hamsters may have as many as 20 young.

The particular hamster will determine how many offspring it will have. You should visit the veterinarian for a checkup to make sure the pregnancy is successful.

How To Handle A Hamster’s Birth

One of the most crucial things you can do during your hamster’s pregnancy is nothing. Avoid entering their cage without a reason and keep your hands entirely off the pup. Both during pregnancy and when they are nursing after birth, hamsters require isolation.

It can be quite harmful to both mother and newborn hamsters to be exposed to any outside stimuli. Notably, if a human approaches a baby hamster, the mother may decide to consume them. This is thought to be the case because they view the infant as being weak and not prepared to survive.

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A crucial fact to be aware of is that mothers occasionally keep their young in their mouth pouches, giving the impression that they are being eaten when they are not.

It will be possible to clean the hamster’s cage once again after 15 to 20 days have elapsed. The puppies should be left alone as much as possible, but they will begin to play with one another, and it should be safer for you to interact with them.

After reaching a certain age, puppies must be separated from their mother and one another. Two factors account for this. 

  • Firstly, hamsters can become sexually mature as early as one month after birth. The breed will matter, though, as Chinese hamsters will require more time than Syrian hamsters.
  • The other reason is that mother hamsters may consume their young if they are kept together for an extended period.

Do You Have To Keep A Male Hamster Separate From The Young?

The male must be removed immediately after the female gives birth. These are two reasons:

  • To stop one or both of the parents from devouring their offspring.
  • Fresh pregnancy may start about 24 hours after the birth of the litter, or virtually immediately.

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Jim Nero

Jim Nero

As a child, my parents got me a hamster cage and I loved my furry little friends.
So obviously when my kids were old enough I got them a pet hamster to care for.

About Me

As a child, my parents got me a hamster cage and I loved my furry little friends.
So obviously when my kids were old enough I got them a pet hamster to care for.

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