Chinese Hamster (Is a Chinese Hamster a Good Pet?)

Table of Contents

Are you wondering whether you should get a Chinese Hamster or not? Well, I got you sorted. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the information you need to make that decision. 

With the care requirements in this article, you’ll know what is required of you as a hamster mom or dad.

Read on!

Is a Chinese Hamster a Good Pet?

Cute Small Mammal Animal Hamster Dwarf Hamster

Yes, it is. Families seeking a little pet should consider getting one of these hamsters. Older kids and teenagers must be careful when handling the hamster, especially when training the hamster. 

However, younger kids shouldn’t keep Chinese hamsters. Chinese hamsters are highly vulnerable to severe injuries and even death if handled forcefully or dropped.

Can I Keep Chinese Hamsters with Other Pets?

Since they are prey animals, Chinese hamsters don’t get along with other pets, especially carnivores like cats. 

They typically function well in same-sex communities, though. To develop a sense of connection in them, you should raise them collectively beginning at a young age.

You’ll occasionally still need to keep troublemakers apart. There is no assurance that the hamsters will get along because they all have different personalities.

What to Know Before Purchasing a Chinese Hamster

1. Size Details

Hamster White Cute Pet Animal Fur Domestic Furry

Chinese hamsters’ average length and weight are 3 to 5 inches and 1 to 2 ounces, respectively. They mature at about two months of age.

2. Training 

Typically, hamster training ends with hand-taming. From an early age, begin touching your hamster carefully, never squeezing or shaking him. 

Place him somewhere safe and comfy if he starts to look stressed. He should always enjoy any time you have him in your hands. 

To aid with the taming phase, you could even hand-feed him treats while holding him.

3. Substrate Requirements

Fill the bottom of the cage with about 2 inches of beddings like aspen shavings. Specific bedding components, including cedar chips, may cause hypersensitivity in hamsters. 

Avoid such substrates since they can harm susceptible animals by causing bacterial infections, alopecia, and dry skin.

4. Exercise 

Chinese hamsters need a lot of exercises because they are very energetic animals. Undoubtedly, you’ll need to purchase them a wheel for movement. 

But in addition to using a regular wheel, schedule periods for your hamster to play alone in a larger area. 

Your small furry friend would get a terrific chance to go about and stretch in a playpen or bathtub.

5. Housing

Hamster Cage Faces Captivity Rodent

Although these hamsters are tiny, they require the largest habitat you can afford. 

As their central area for exercise and play, having enough room is essential for their well-being. The cage needs to be at least 1 foot high, 2 feet long, and 1 foot broad.

The two most common cage options are an aquarium made of glass or plastic or one with a wire top and a plastic base. 

Better airflow will be possible in the wire cage, but you must ensure the distance between the bars is small enough for your hamster to pass through.

Provide a nest or a hiding place for small animals in the enclosure; you can get these items in most pet stores. Include an exercise wheel with a stable surface as well. 

You may also add a variety of tubes, tunnels for burrowing, and bridges to your hamster’s home to make it more interesting. 

Additionally, remember to add some chew sticks or other hamster-specific chew toys since they will aid in wearing down their constantly erupting teeth.

6. Diet

Chinese hamsters can thrive on a small amount of food. It must, however, have the proper nourishment. 

For this reason, you should use a suitable food pellet or mix made just for Chinese hamsters. When trying to make your mix, it’s just so challenging to get the ratios correct.

However, you can add the occasional treat to their diet. Avoid foods with a lot of sugar because they can lead to diabetes. 

Additionally, there are several foods that you should never feed the hamster. The foods are onions, avocados, almonds, and garlic.

7. Grooming

Hamster Rodent Animal Mouse Hairy Small

Since they groom themselves, hamsters are often tidy creatures. They do not require baths. However, you can use a moist towel to gently start cleaning him if he gets dirt or debris trapped in his fur.

8. Adopting or Purchasing Chinese hamsters

Although many pet stores sell these hamsters, getting them from a reputable rescue crew or breeder is preferable.

Hamsters are occasionally housed in general animal shelters and select tiny animal-specific rescue organizations. 

You should be able to get exact details about the hamster’s health status, temperament, origin, and care requirements from reputable breeders and rescues.

Final Word

Chinese hamsters can make good pets for older children who can handle them gently and are aware that the hamsters can be swift and easily startled.

The primary care requirements of Chinese hamsters mainly revolve around routine diets and cage cleanings. They are relatively low-maintenance pets.

Jim Nero

Jim Nero

As a child, my parents got me a hamster cage and I loved my furry little friends.
So obviously when my kids were old enough I got them a pet hamster to care for.

About Me

As a child, my parents got me a hamster cage and I loved my furry little friends.
So obviously when my kids were old enough I got them a pet hamster to care for.

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