How to Take Care of a Syrian Hamster

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If you’ve decided to get a Syrian hamster as a pet, you may be wondering how to care for it. Syrian hamsters are quite sensitive to touch, so be careful when touching them. Always scoop them out using two hands and stroke them gently, avoiding their whiskers and nose. If possible, move them safely in a plastic cup. Then, use a soft cloth to wipe the hamster’s fur when it’s moved.

Training Your Syrian Hamster

There are many steps to training your Syrian hamster, and they all begin with a calm voice. Always avoid making sudden noises or movements, as this can scare them. Once you’ve exposed your Syrian hamster to the scent of your hand, slowly introduce it to the treat. Then, place the treat in its food bowl. Wait for several days before you pick it up. Training your Syrian hamster doesn’t have to be difficult!

The first step in training your Syrian hamster is finding a cage that will fit the size of your pet. Choose a cage that’s about one foot by two feet, and at least a foot tall. You can use a wire-topped plastic base cage or a standard aquarium. A wire cage allows for better airflow but may not protect against drafts. If you don’t have a standard aquarium, consider investing in one made specifically for your hamster.

Syrian Hamster Behavior and Temperament

If you’re not sure how to care for a Syrian hamster, it’s important to learn about its natural habits. Although Syrian hamsters are not terribly difficult to keep, they do require regular handling. Keeping them in one cage will result in a lack of exercise, stress, and aggression. You should be prepared for the possibility of this behavior. Luckily, Syrian hamsters can be taught a variety of simple tricks. If you start handling them daily, they will get used to the routine and will even wait patiently for you to take them out of their cage.

When taking care of a Syrian hamster, you should first provide it with a clean, safe, and spacious cage. It should have at least a foot-high, 1-foot-square cage. You can choose between a wire-topped cage with a plastic base or a standard aquarium. Make sure to check the materials to ensure that they’re safe to consume. Be sure to choose a cage that’s free of glue and ink.

What Do Syrian Hamsters Eat & Drink?

While Syrian hamsters do not require a high-calorie diet, they will enjoy a variety of vegetables and fruits. Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and kale are all excellent choices for your hamster’s diet. You can even offer your hamster dandelion greens. These are all healthy sources of fiber. Syrian hamsters are known to be quite picky about what they eat, so it is important to choose foods carefully.

In addition to a pelleted diet, Syrian hamsters will enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables. You can test a piece of food and then provide larger pieces the next time. These hamsters have their own dietary preferences, so try to keep these in mind when choosing what to feed them. You should also avoid giving hamsters baked goods since they are high in fat, salt, and sugar. In the wild, hamsters wouldn’t consume these foods.

Does the Syrian hamster make a good pet for kids?

As a nocturnal species, the Syrian hamster thrives in the dark. Its life expectancy is between one and two years, although some individuals have lived for much longer. The hamster’s care requires twice-daily attention, so it’s important to ensure your lifestyle is suitable before bringing it home. Syrian hamsters can also make excellent pets for children.

Although there are 16 types of hamsters, only the Syrian is commonly kept as a pet. They are easy to handle and are docile. Kids will find hamsters amusing and easy to care for. Syrians are best for beginners, but you should note that even the smallest Syrian hamster needs plenty of attention. If you choose to keep one, remember to make sure it lives for at least 18 months before having to give it up.

Aside from being an excellent pet, Syrian hamsters are also fun to keep as pets. Aside from their sociable personality, Syrian hamsters can be trained to play tricks, learn tricks, and play with hamster balls and exercise wheels. If you want to teach your children about proper behavior, Syrians are great for a family with small children. They require little maintenance and are a great way to teach your child patience and gentleness.

Jim Nero

Jim Nero

As a child, my parents got me a hamster cage and I loved my furry little friends.
So obviously when my kids were old enough I got them a pet hamster to care for.

About Me

As a child, my parents got me a hamster cage and I loved my furry little friends.
So obviously when my kids were old enough I got them a pet hamster to care for.

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